Construction Employers of America

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White House Infrastructure Plan Good First Step for Construction Firms

February 12, 2018

Contact: Jack Jacobson
202-637- 6820 (w); 202-251- 7644 (c)

Apprenticeship & Training Programs Benefit; Plan Needs Additional Federal Funding

Washington, DC – The Trump Administration today released its “Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America,” President Trump’s framework for authorizing and providing seed money for much-needed infrastructure investments. Construction Employers of America expressed appreciation for the Administration’s continued focus on the dire state of infrastructure across the country, and called for an increase in Federal funding to support the magnitude of projects in need of financing.

“Construction Employers of America thanks the President for identifying a long-neglected problem in America: the urgent necessity for the Federal government to invest in our national infrastructure systems,” said Jack Jacobson, spokesperson for CEA. “The President wants to invest in the repair and construction of $1.5 trillion in infrastructure projects over ten years; we are concerned how this level of investment can be achieved with only $200 billion in real Federal dollars.”

The Administration’s plan would provide partial grant funding for roads and bridges, airports, water and wastewater systems, waterways, energy systems, rural needs, veterans’ care facilities, Brownfield and Superfund sites and more. To accomplish this investment, non-Federal revenue streams, including state and local funding as well as private investment, would be leveraged with Federal funds.

“The President’s plan is a good starting point for a real conversation about our priorities as a country,” continued Jacobson. “Construction Employers of America look forward to working with the relevant congressional committees to build on the President’s proposal and identify opportunities for the Federal government to step up and do its part by providing real, sustainable revenue sources to support increased levels of investment in all segments of the nation’s infrastructure.”

“CEA is also pleased that the President’s proposal recognizes the importance of ensuring a sufficient workforce to revitalize and sustain America’s infrastructure investments,” said Jacobson.

CEA is committed to ensuring that there is not only a large enough workforce, but also that it is of the highest quality. To achieve this, CEA supports expanding the registered apprenticeship programs for construction that have successfully trained generations of highly-skilled blue collar employees hard at work today in the specialty construction industry, as well as pre-apprenticeship programs to prepare men and women to pursue careers in these trades.

CEA’s seven employer associations include FCA International, International Council of Employers of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers, Mechanical Contractors Association of America, National Electrical Contractors Association, Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Signatory Wall and Ceiling Contractors Alliance, and The Association of Union Constructors. Our impact on the American economy is significant. We represent over 15,000 employers and 1.4 million employees nationwide. More information about CEA and our issues can be found online at

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